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Structured Cabling

Entrance Facilities (EF)CTV

Entrance Facilities (EF) CTV

Entrance facilities contain the cables, network demarcation point(s), connecting hardware, protection devices and other equipment that connect to the access provider (AP) or private network cabling. It includes connections between outside plant and inside building cabling.
Equipment Room (ER)

Equipment Room (ER)

The environmentally controlled centralized space for telecommunications equipment is usually more complex than a telecommunications room (TR) or telecommunications enclosure (TE). It usually houses the main cross-connect (MC) [Distributor C] and may also contain the intermediate cross-connects (ICs) [Distributor B], horizontal cross-connects (HCs) [Distributor A], or both.
Backbone Cabling

Backbone Cabling

The backbone cabling provides interconnection between telecommunications rooms, equipment rooms, access provider (AP) spaces and entrance facilities.
Telecommunications Room (TR) and Telecommunications Enclosure (TE)

Telecommunications Room (TR) & Telecommunications Enclosure (TE)

The use of a telecommunications enclosure (TE) is for a specific implementation and not a general case. It is intended to serve a smaller floor area than a TR and may be used in addition to the minimum “one TR per floor” rule.
Horizontal Cabling

Horizontal Cabling – (Cabling Subsystem 1)

The horizontal cabling system extends from the work area’s telecommunications information outlet to the telecommunications room (TR) or telecommunications enclosure (TE). It includes horizontal cable, mechanical terminations, jumpers and patch cords located in the TR or TE and may incorporate multiuser telecommunications outlet assemblies (MUTOAs) and consolidation points (CPs).
Work Area Wire Cabling

Work Area

Work area (WA) components extend from the telecommunications outlet/connector end of the horizontal cabling system to the WA equipment.A minimum of two telecommunications outlets (permanent links) should be provided for each work area.